
Explore the World of Money
for the Bright Financial Future for Your Kids!

If you already have the book...

I just wanted to say thank you for your trust and congratulate you at the same time.

Teaching children about money isn’t easy, but it’s very important and crucial for them to understand the basic principles of the economy if they want to live in a free world.

Luckily, they have someone like you! 😉

Please don’t forget to review the book on Amazon – it will help others make their choice, meaning there will be more conscious and united people!

Okay, if you have already reviewed… here is some bonus fun thing for free download!

Print Your Own Money!

🐉 Be like Loufer for a while…

Download editable Dollar template for unlimited possibilities of fun and education. Whose face will be in the center? 😊

⭐ Examples of use:

🛒 Pretend play store – establish your currency and its value. Demonstrate that money can run out. Explain the phenomenon of inflation in relation to printing more money.

🏦 Pretend play bank – Your home is your country. You are the bank, and you establish the rules for your currency. Play dollars can have backing in real cash. You can reward your child with their own dollars, and when they want to use them, they have to go to the „bank.”

💬 Great possibility for an educational conversation. You’ll find helpful questions prepared by me, but don’t limit yourself and let your imagination run wild 🚀

Instruction inside the zip file.
(Requires PC, printer & scissors)


If you don't have the book yet...


The school will not teach your child practical financial knowledge.

Media even less so.

In front of our eyes, another evolution of money is taking place. We increasingly hear that cash may disappear completely from circulation. While some worry, others are calm about their wealth.

Fortunately, this is not the first time money has changed, so based on the past, we can be prepared for the future.

„The Valley of Prosperity” is a fictional and beautifully illustrated story of money, from barter to digital currency, including cryptocurrencies. The plot tells the story of a wise dragon, Invictus, who desires to lead a prosperous life. Along with the chosen one of his heart, they settle in the picturesque Valley of Prosperity, where Dragon Invictus becomes king, and his main goal is to ensure a dignified life for all the valley’s residents.

However, as is often the case in life, it won’t be without unforeseen adventures…

Wizyta w Dolinie Dostatku

Czego dowie się Twoje dziecko z tej książki?

mapa bez tła

Lorem ipsum
dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Lorem ipsum
dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Lorem ipsum
dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Lorem ipsum
dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Lorem ipsum
dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Korzyści z odwiedzenia Doliny Dostatku:

Zrozumienie historii pieniądza i jego ewolucji od barteru po bitcoina. (niezależnie od tego, czy wiesz czym są kryptowaluty czy nie)

Poznanie kluczowych pojęć i mechanizmów finansowych, które kształtują dzisiejszy świat.

Odkrycie sekretów zarządzania swoimi finansami i budowania stabilnej przyszłości.

Inspiracja do zwiększenia swojej wiedzy o zarabianiu, i inwestowaniu.

Połączenie przyjemnej lektury z podniesieniem świadomości na temat problemów społeczno-ekonomicznych i gospodarki

... a wszystko to przy użyciu dziecinnie prostego języka i pięknych ilustracji 😍

Nie sama historia...

Na końcu książki, każdy młody odkrywca pieniądza znajdzie dwie niespodzianki.
Pierwsza z nich to pytania, a druga to omówienie cech solidnego pieniądza. 

Dzięki tym dodatkom, nasi przyszli dorośli lepiej przyswoją treść książki, oraz będą w stanie rozpoznać solidny pieniądz wśród różnych form, które pojawią się w przyszłości!

Lubisz zajrzeć do środka przed zakupem?


Explore the World of Money for the Bright Financial Future for Your Kids!

If you already have the book...

I just wanted to say thank you for your trust and congratulate you at the same time. Teaching children about money isn’t easy, but it’s very important and crucial for them to understand the basic principles of the economy if they want to live in a free world.

Luckily, they have someone like you! 😉

Please don’t forget to review the book on Amazon – it will help others make their choice, meaning there will be more conscious and united people!

Okay, if you have already reviewed… here is some bonus fun thing for free download!

Print Your Own Money!

🐉 Be like Loufer for a while…

Download editable template for unlimited possibilities of fun and education. Whose face will be in the center? 😊

⭐ Examples of use:

🛒 Pretend play store – establish your currency and its value. Demonstrate that money can run out. Explain the phenomenon of inflation in relation to printing more money.

🏦 Pretend play bank – Your home is your country. You are the bank, and you establish the rules for your currency. Play dollars can have backing in real cash. You can reward your child with their own dollars, and when they want to use them, they have to go to the „bank.”

💬 Great possibility for an educational conversation. You’ll find helpful questions prepared by me, but don’t limit yourself and let your imagination run wild 🚀

Instruction inside the zip file (requires PC, printer & scissors)

If you don't have the book yet...


The school will not teach your child practical financial knowledge.

Media even less so.

In front of our eyes, another evolution of money is taking place. We increasingly hear that cash may disappear completely from circulation. While some worry, others are calm about their wealth.

Fortunately, this is not the first time money has changed, so based on the past, we can be prepared for the future.

„The Valley of Prosperity” is a fictional and beautifully illustrated story of money, from barter to digital currency, including cryptocurrencies. The plot tells the story of a wise dragon, Invictus, who desires to lead a prosperous life. Along with the chosen one of his heart, they settle in the picturesque Valley of Prosperity, where Dragon Invictus becomes king, and his main goal is to ensure a dignified life for all the valley’s residents.

However, as is often the case in life, it won’t be without unforeseen adventures…

Book for kids

From the age of 6 to 106 years, thanks to which you will find out:

How money has changed throughout history. What is Bitcoin and why it’s been invented.

What distinguishes sound money from unsound money, and which of them is worth saving?

Where does inflation come from, and how to defend against it?

Why is cash an important element of freedom?

From Barter to Bitcoin!

The history of money retold!

mapa bez tła

Discover the advantages and disadvantages of various forms of exchange, such as barter, livestock, salt, shells, metals, fiduciary paper money, digital money, or cryptocurrencies.

The book describes real case studies to help understand the consequences of using different forms of money.

What sets this book apart from others?

It doesn’t pretend to be cool; it just is cool.

The Valley of Prosperity doesn’t pretend to be a children’s book. Behind the average cover, there isn’t a stiff text borrowed from ChatGPT.

Inside, you won’t find angular supply and demand charts borrowed from a corporate PowerPoint presentation. You won’t encounter dates and moderately interesting facts from times long gone.

In this book, the art of written word matters, as does the originality of ideas and the content hidden between the lines.

What counts is a holistic understanding of the subject at a subconscious level, so that sound financial decisions come effortlessly.

Just think… how many morals from childhood fairy tales you still remember today?

The Valley of Prosperity is a story that stays in the heart, along with the building beliefs.

Benefits of visiting the Valley of Prosperity:

Understanding the history of money and grasping holistically why some forms of money are not good value carriers.

Understanding key concepts and mechanisms that govern human behavior, regardless of the times we live in.

Discovering the secrets of managing your finances, respecting money, and building a stable future.

Over 60 pages of fun combined with education.

Establishing family values as the foundation for building your wealth.

...all of this using a simple language and beautiful illustrations. 😍

Not only the history...

At the end of the book, every young explorer of money will find two surprises. The first one is questions, and the second one is a cheat sheet – a discussion of the characteristics of sound money.

Thanks to these additions, our future adults will better grasp the content of the book and will be able to recognize sound money among various forms that may emerge in the future!

Why was the book created?

Warning: When someone has control over your money, they also have partial control over you. If we want to live in a free world, we can never allow the control over free exchange of value.

Support: To inspire readers to think about their financial future, clarifying seemingly challenging concepts such as cryptocurrencies.

History: To present the history of money in an engaging way and make readers aware of how its current form originated.

Role of Money: To illustrate how the history of money has shaped the development of civilization and to highlight the challenges that still need to be overcome in order to create a monetary system that works for the benefit of all.

Why was the book created?

When someone has control over your money, they also have partial control over you. If we want to live in a free world, we can never allow the control over free exchange of value.

To inspire readers to think about their financial future, clarifying seemingly challenging concepts such as cryptocurrencies.

To present the history of money in an engaging way and make readers aware of how its current form originated.

Role of Money:
To illustrate how the history of money has shaped the development of civilization and to highlight the challenges that still need to be overcome in order to create a monetary system that works for the benefit of all.

O autorze...

Arek Błażyca


About me...

Arkadiusz Blazyca – born in Poland, living in Scotland.


Contact me:
email: arkadiusz.blazyca@gmail.com
telegram: arkadiusz_blazyca

I’m wearing two different socks because I believe that people can be different from each other and still go in the same direction.

I am a parent of two children, an investor, entrepreneur – my creativity stems from practical experience rather than theoretical knowledge from books.

My passion is helping others acquire valuable life skills. Personal finances definitely fall into that category as we are all using it every day.

I’m an author of bestselling children’s books. Co-creator of educational programs for elementary schools. „The Valley of Prosperity” is my first book published in English.


My goal

Draw the attention of the youth to the connection between their well-being and the type of money they use.


For who?

For daughter and son. For mom and dad.
For grandma and grandpa.
For schools and libraries –


To The Moon!

Thanks to this book, your child will gain practical knowledge that will allow them to build lasting wealth!

Ewelina Oleksiak

Illustrator, author of books

Creates fantastic illustrations and independently publishes books that serve as colorful tools for learning about emotions.

Flawlessly interprets the author’s words and dresses them in watercolor illustrations full of emotions.

Brings the text to life and creates a book that you don’t want to put on the shelf!

more at basnik.eu

What are others saying about the book?


Below, you’ll find answers to a few frequently asked questions:

For what age group is this book intended?

"The Valley of Prosperity" is a book for children aged 6 to 106. The author ensured that the book is suitable for independent reading by children and also for shared family reading, without the concern that a parent might fall asleep during the story. The book is written in simple language and includes beautiful and colorful illustrations that will captivate even the youngest readers. Meanwhile, intriguing facts and hidden gems will satisfy older readers interested in business, economy (and BITCOIN! 😉 )

Will the book be interesting for my child who is not interested in finances?

Definitely yes. All my books are perfect for taking the first step into personal finances. An engaging story is always a top priority, and the informative part is woven in as if "incidentally," almost casually 🙂

Is the book available in e-book format?

NO. And it never will be. As a parent, I strongly emphasize nurturing the reading of traditional books. No distractions, no screen light, no Wi-Fi. Instead, there's the scent of printing ink, the rustling of pages, dog-eared corners, and notes scribbled on the last pages.

Will I understand anything from this book if I have no idea what bitcoin is?

Of course, yes. Understanding how Bitcoin works is not necessary to discover its potential use as money, especially when we compare it to its predecessors. (but I bet, after reading the book, you'll know what's Bitcoin about!)

Is the book suitable for parents who themselves want to learn more about finances?

Absolutely. Despite being a book primarily aimed at children, its message is universal and encourages reflection on building a truly lasting wealth that will withstand the tests of time.

Will the book be available in other languages?

Currently, the book is available in Polish and English. If you think the book should be available in another language, let me know in which one!

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